Browsing by Author Luong, Khanh Ty

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-01Applying Blockchain technology to build smart contracts into the product warranty policy at the storeLuong, Khanh Ty; Nguyen, Van Phuoc
2024-02Average symbol error rate analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces based free-space optical link over Weibull distribution channelsDuong, Huu Ai; Dang, Dai Tho; Vuong, Cong Dat; Nguyen, Van Loi; Luong, Khanh Ty
2023-06Building a Chatbox Application to Support Smartphone ConsultationLuong, Khanh Ty; Duong, Thi My Linh
2022-12Building a Sales E-Commerce WebsiteLuong, Khanh Ty; Nguyen, Dinh Khanh
2024-01Building a website to watch movies and recommend moviesLuong, Khanh Ty; Hoang, Dinh Duc
2022-12Building an E-Commerce System Applying Machine Learning to Recommend ItemsLuong, Khanh Ty; Le, Minh Huy
2022-12Building Website to Consult Medical Examination and Book an Appoinment After Covid, Integrates ai ChatboxLuong, Khanh Ty; Tran, Ngoc Anh Vu
2024-01Cross-Platform Real-time Chat ApplicationLuong, Khanh Ty; Hoang, Nguyen Viet Nam; Le, Tran Thu Loan
2024-01Facial recognition and application in managementLuong, Khanh Ty; Tran, Thi My Linh
2023-12Field programmable gate array implementation of edge detection system based on an improved sobel edge detectorDuong, Huu Ai; Vuong, Cong Dat; Luong, Khanh Ty; Le, Viet Truong
2022-02Misalignment fading effects on theACCperformance of relay-assisted MIMO/FSO systems over atmospheric turbulence channelsDuong, Huu Ai; Nguyen, Van Loi; Luong, Khanh Ty
2023-08On the performance of reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted UAV-to-ground communication systemsDuong, Huu Ai; Nguyen, Van Loi; Hoang, Huu Duc; Luong, Khanh Ty
2024-02Performance enhancement of FSO link with RIS-aided over Weibull distribution for 5G/6G and IoT applicationsDuong, Huu Ai; Nguyen, Van Loi; Hoang, Huu Duc; Luong, Khanh Ty; Le, Viet Truong
2021Sport event mobile applicationLuong, Khanh Ty; Do, Phuoc Thien