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dc.contributor.authorVu, Manh Hung-
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Van Quang-
dc.contributor.authorTran, Thi Thao-
dc.contributor.authorPham, Van Truong-
dc.descriptionLecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 734); CITA: Conference on Information Technology and its Applications; pp: 3-14.vi_VN
dc.description.abstractIt has been reported that nearly 40% of electrical machine failures are caused by bearing problems. That is why identifying bearing failure is crucial. Deep learning for diagnosing bearing faults has been widely used, like WDCNN, Conv-mixer, and Siamese models. However, good diagnosis takes a significant quantity of training data. In order to overcome this, we propose a new approach that can dramatically improve training performance with a small data set. In particular, we propose to integrate the ConvMixer models to the backbone of Siamese network, and use the few-short learning for more accurate classification even with limited training data. Various experimental results with raw signal inputs and signal spectrum inputs are conducted, and compared with those from traditional models using the same data set provided by Case Western Reserve University (CWRU).vi_VN
dc.publisherSpringer Naturevi_VN
dc.subjectBearing faults diagnosisvi_VN
dc.subjectSiamese-based Conv-mixervi_VN
dc.subjectCWRU data basevi_VN
dc.subjectLimited datavi_VN
dc.titleA New ConvMixer-Based Approach for Diagnosis of Fault Bearing Using Signal Spectrumvi_VN
dc.typeWorking Papervi_VN
Appears in Collections:CITA 2023 (International)

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