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dc.contributor.authorHuỳnh, Thị Thanh Tuyền-
dc.descriptionTạp chí Giáo dục và Xã hội; Số đặc biệt tháng 04/2022 (Kỳ 1); trang: 49-54.vi_VN
dc.description.abstractThis article introduces one of the meaningful teaching methods in improving learners; activeness: Ivan Hannel's highly effective HEQ questionnaire. Through the articcle, the author presents the use of HEQ questions applied in the teaching process of General Physics to develop logical thinking for students at Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology. Using a set of HEQ questions in teaching is a method in which the teacher orients the learners to actively learn, practice, find out the rules and synthesize the learning problem themselves. Therefore, the author wants to emphasize the ability to use highly effective questions in the process of teaching Physics to stimulate thinking and investigation to improve students' self-study and self-thinking at school.vi_VN
dc.publisherTạp chí Giáo dục và Xã hộivi_VN
dc.subjectIvan Hannel's highly effective HEQ questionnairevi_VN
dc.subjectactive teaching methodsvi_VN
dc.titleBộ câu hỏi hiệu quả cao HEQ của Ivan Hannel - một công cụ để phát triển khả năng tư duy của sinh viênvi_VN
dc.title.alternativeIvan Hannel's highly effective HEQ questionnaire - a tool to develop students' thinking capacityvi_VN
dc.typeWorking Papervi_VN
Appears in Collections:NĂM 2022

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