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Title: Enhancing Rural Logistics for E-commerce Development in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions
Authors: Vo, Thi Thanh Thao
Keywords: Rural logistics
E-commerce development
Infrastructure challenges
Digital technology
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science
Abstract: In the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Vietnam's e-commerce sector has experienced robust growth, serving as a catalyst for economic advancement and the country's digital transformation agenda. However, while urban centers have thrived, rural areas face significant logistical challenges hindering their integration into the e-commerce ecosystem. This article examines the current landscape of rural logistics in Vietnam, highlighting infrastructure deficiencies, technological gaps, human resource constraints, and environmental impacts. It proposes a series of comprehensive solutions aimed at enhancing rural logistics to support sustainable e-commerce growth. These solutions include infrastructure upgrades, digital technology adoption, stakeholder collaboration, cost management strategies, quality standardization, data management enhancements, and sustainability initiatives. By addressing these challenges and leveraging the collective efforts of government, local authorities, logistics enterprises, and agricultural stakeholders, Vietnam can build a resilient rural logistics framework conducive to inclusive economic development and global competitiveness.
Description: Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science; Vol.14, Issue 6; pp: 39-44
ISSN: 2278-4721 (e)
2319-6483 (p)
Appears in Collections:NĂM 2024

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