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Nhan đề: Power Level In Dual − Microphone System
Tác giả: Quan, Trong The
Nguyen, Duc Thien
Từ khoá: speech enhancement
dual - microphone
power level difference
subtraction power level
cross power subtraction
Năm xuất bản: 2020
Nhà xuất bản: Da Nang Publishing House
Tóm tắt: This paper deals with speech enhancement in dual-microphone system using cross power spectral densities. The performance of the proposed algorithm relies on a good estimation of the acoustic channel and speech and noise statistics. In this work we present a speech enhancement system that uses the differences of power spectral densities level as the condition distinguishes whether noise, whether speech signal. The available dual-channel information is exploited to obtain more reliable estimates of clean speech statistics. Our proposal is evaluated in a reverberant room and mixtures of various diffuse noise. The experimental results show that our system achieves improvements in terms of noise reduction, low speech distortion and remain the desired signal.
Mô tả: Scientific Paper; Pages: 45-52
Định danh:
ISBN: 978-604-84-5517-0
Bộ sưu tập: CITA 2020

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