Page 66 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 66

50    K  Y U H I TH O KHOA H C QU C GIA V  CNTT VÀ  NG D              V C L N TH  12

                     Table 1. The number of parameters, Pearson-correlation (PC) scores, MSE, and MAE of each model

                                                                    Mean Squared       Mean Absolute
                          Models         Parameters        PC
                                                                        Error              Error

                          VGG16             134M          0.78          0.4675             0.5680

                         ResNet-50          23M           0.81          0.1609             0.3113

                          Vision            86M          0.9127         0.0758             0.2087

                     Our findings revealed that ViT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art Convolutional
                     Neural Networks (CNNs), achieving a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) score of 0.2087,
                     with 86 million parameters. Despite possessing a higher number of parameters than
                     ResNet-50, ViT demonstrated superior performance across all three evaluation metrics.
                     Furthermore,  ViT  showed remarkable  efficiency  during  training,  converging  to  the
                     final optimal result after around ten epochs, as opposed to the approximate 100 epochs
                     required  for  the  CNN  models.  This  efficiency  may  be  attributed  to  the  successful
                     application of transfer learning from a pre-trained version of ViT on ImageNet.
                       However, the training time remained a challenge; on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 15GB
                     graphic  card,  training  ViT  for  ten  epochs  took  nearly  the  same  amount of  time  as
                     training VGG16 or ResNet-50 for 100 epochs      approximately 30 minutes. Training
                     ViT  for  50  epochs  took  two  hours,  confirming  that  this  model  requires  more
                     computational resources and time. Future work will focus on optimizing our models
                     and algorithms to enhance performance and computational efficiency

                     5      Conclusion and Future Work

                     Overall,  our paper emphasizes  the  outstanding performance of  ViT  architecture for
                     facial beauty prediction and the potential of using ViT variants for this task. The success
                     of ViT can be attributed to its complex architecture and transferability, which allows it
                     to be pre-trained on highly large-scale datasets such as ImageNet and then fine-tuned
                     on SCUT-FBP5500 for performance optimization, which demonstrated that the ViT
                     model  is  superior  to  other  models  such  as  VGG  and  ResNet  for  human  beauty
                       This finding opens new opportunities for further research in using transformers and
                     other advanced techniques for feature detection in computer vision tasks, particularly
                     in applications such as human beauty evaluation, where accurate feature extraction is
                     critical. Future research could explore the application of ViT and other transformer-
                     based models to related tasks such as facial expression recognition, age estimation, and
                     gender classification. These tasks also require accurate feature extraction  and could
                     benefit from using transformer-based models.
                       One potential avenue for future research is to use better pre-trained models for ViT.
                     Currently, ViT is pre-trained on ImageNet, which consists of only a small number of
                     instances for humans in general and facials specifically. Therefore, in the future, if the

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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