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Nhan đề: Effectively Automatic 3D Movement Creation Techniques based on Labanotation
Tác giả: Ma, Thi Chau
Pham, Vuong Dang
Pham, Van Hai
Từ khoá: Labanotation
Primitive Movement
Humanoid Movement
Trajectory Movement
Năm xuất bản: thá-2022
Nhà xuất bản: Da Nang Publishing House
Tóm tắt: Animation makes graphic products more realistic and livelier; it provides directly visualized experiences for user and conveys the message and biocharacteristics of the character. The dramatic growth of GPU performance and the increase in performance for graphics production make 3D applications being more realistic than ever. However, filmmakers and animators still have to put a lot of effort in creating models and character movements manually. Many researchers study 3D character movements and countless methods have been proposed to make characters’ faster and more efficient. In this paper, we will discuss the features of 3D animation characters based on movement analysis of Labanotation. Since then, we propose technique to combine primitive movements into desired movements and technique to create character movements following the desired trajectory. The experiments demonstrate the performance of the techniques. With these techniques, we believe that characters will be created faster and more efficiently when applying these techniques in 3D graphic application development.
Mô tả: The 11th Conference on Information Technology and its Applications; Topic: Image and Natural Language Processing; pp.155-164.
Định danh:
ISSN: 978-604-84-6711-1
Bộ sưu tập: CITA 2022

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