Page 177 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 177

Tran Quy Nam and Phi Cong Huy                                                   161

                     performance on different datasets on image processing classification, and also aim to
                     resolve  the  real  situation  that  there  were  very  few  specific  large-scale  datasets  for
                     training  stages  on  image  classification.  They  proposed  a  new  combination
                     classification model based on three pre-trained CNN models (VGG19, DenseNet169,
                     and NASNetLarge) for processing the ImageNet database. The aim was to get better
                     performance  and  tried  to  achieve  higher  classification  accuracy.  In  their  proposed
                     model, the transfer learning model was based on each pre-trained model which was
                     constructed as a possible classifier. In the next step, they figured out the best output of
                     three possible classifiers which was concluded as the final classification choice. The
                     implementation based on two waste image datasets on the same architectures of the
                     proposed  model  had  achieved  the  accuracy  score  at  96.5%  and  94%  relatively  for
                     classification  problems.  It  means  that  their  proposed  model  outperformed  several
                     other methods on image classification problems.

                     3      Methodology

                     In  this  study,  we  try  to  implement  CNN-XGBoost  architecture  as  the  proposed
                     network  to  apply  for  problem  of  weather  image  classification.  For  the  combined
                     model  CNN-XGBoost,  this  study  tests  the  model  using  the  convolutional  neural
                     network  for  feature  extraction  and  the  XGBoost  algorithm  for  image  classification
                     which are applied to the classification of faster images (see Fig. 1).

                                       Fig. 1. XGBoost combined CNN network architecture
                     At the first stage for the feature extractor, we employ traditional Convolutional Neural
                     Network model as the primary stage to extract features from the weather images. This
                     CNN architecture of feature extractor has 3 Convolutional layers, the first with 128
                     filters,  kernel  size  equal  3  and  the  other  two  layers  with  64  nodes,  each  layer  is
                     followed  by  a  Max  Pooling  with  pooling  size  equal  2  and  Dropout  layers.  The
                     following layers are a Flatten layer and a Fully Connected layer with 128 nodes. A
                     convolutional layer acquires a feature series by calculating the production between the
                     receptive field and kernel. In this network, an activation function, namely Rectified
                     Linear  Unit  (ReLU)  function  is  added  behind  each  convolutional  layer.  The

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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