Page 181 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 181

Tran Quy Nam and Phi Cong Huy                                                   165

                     In  this  image  dataset,  the  weather  images  were  divided  into  11  different  image
                     classifications (see Fig. 4). This set of 11 subclasses includes: dew, fogsmog, frost,
                     glaze,  hail,  lightning,  rain,  rainbow,  rime,  sandstorm,  and  snow.  We  see  that  the
                     dataset is not balanced data (imbalance images) among all the image data classes with
                     the much higher number of rime images. But we keep the dataset as original for use,
                     even though it may lead to lower accuracy.



                                1000        851
                                 800   698                                         692
                                                      639  591                         621
                                 600             475                526


                                               Fig. 4. Number of images by labels

                     As we can see that this dataset is highly imbalance due to too large number of images
                     on rime. But we use this primitive dataset. Because, the aim of this study is to check
                     whether what kind of hybrid deep learning has the best performance in the problem of
                     weather image classification, not focus on accuracy of models in classification. The
                     data is divided 80% for the training part, and 10% for the validation and 10% for the
                     test of the model using the random splitter.

                     4.2    Experiments and results
                     First  of  all,  we  test  the  performance  of  a  simple  traditional  Convolutional  Neural
                     Network to classify the weather images. Our simple CNN model has 3 Convolutional
                     layers, the first with 128 filters, and the two remained layers with 64 nodes, each layer
                     is followed by a Max Pooling and Dropout layers. The following layers are a Flatten
                     layer and a Fully Connected layer with 128 nodes. The activation function, namely
                     Rectified  Linear  Unit  (ReLU)  function  is  used  after  each  convolutional  layer.  The
                     optimizer is  used  namely  Adam,  and  loss measures  is  categorical  cross-entropy.  In
                     this  simple  traditional  Convolutional  Neural  Network  model,  the  Softmax  function
                     was employed to classify the weather images after the layer of Fully Connected. In
                     the training process, we run model for 10 epochs with early stopping used to monitor
                     the change of optimization.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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