Page 19 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 19

Van Vy and Hyungchul Yoon                                                         3

                     inhomogeneous materials. This can result in low accuracy due to noise signals, non-
                     straight signal propagation, and variations in signal velocity.
                       In  recent,  deep  learning  techniques  have  begun  to  supplant  conventional
                     approaches.  A  prominent  example  of  such  a  technique  is  the  use  of  convolutional
                     neural networks (CNNs) [8] that are adept at resolving the issue of crack detection.
                     CNNs are often utilized to scrutinize visual imagery or spatial data, allowing them to
                     learn  the  intrinsic  characteristics  of  images,  such  as  pixel  positions,  and  identify
                     crucial  features  autonomously  without  human  intervention.  Due  to  their  use  of
                     specialized convolutional and pooling operations, and parameter sharing, CNNs are
                     also computationally efficient.
                       Nowadays, several researchers have demonstrated the applicability of CNNs to lo-
                     cate  cracks  through  the  analysis  of  AE  signals.  For  instance,  Barbosh  et  al.  [9]
                     employed  a  2D  CNN  and  time-frequency  decomposition  methods  to  extract  crack
                     information from AE data. Similarly, Sikdar et al.  [10] suggested the use of CNN-
                     based techniques for automatically classifying crack locations using time-frequency
                     images. Nonetheless, these techniques relied on a classification network, which could
                     only approximate the location among candidate areas, without pinpointing the precise
                     coordinates of the location.
                       Perfetto  et  al.  [11]  proposed  a  regression  network  to  address  the  previously
                     mentioned constraints. Nonetheless, this approach relied solely on data obtained from
                     a single sensor, leading to a single-input single-output (SISO) model. As a result, the
                     SISO model could not fully harness the relationship between signals obtained from
                     various  sensor  locations.  Furthermore,  this  technique  was  tested  solely  through
                     simulations  conducted  on  an  aluminum  plate,  a  homogeneous  material,  using  the
                     Abaqus software. In practical scenarios, identifying cracks in heterogeneous materials
                     such as concrete is a more intricate task, owing to non-linear signal propagation and
                     variations in signal velocities within the material.
                       The structure of the paper is explained in the following sections. In section 2, read-
                     ers will find a comprehensive introduction to the proposed approach as well as an in-
                     depth explanation of the process. In section 3, the test and the results are shown. Fi-
                     nally, section 4 describes the conclusion and future works.

                     2     The Proposed Method

                     In  this  paper,  a  novel  approach  for  crack  detection  using  deep  learning  and  AE
                     sensors is proposed. The method aims to automatically estimate the 3D coordinates of
                     the  crack  source  by  detecting  the  signal  of  sound  waves.  The  process  involves
                     converting signals collected from AE sensors into the time-frequency domain through
                     the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) [12]. Then, a convolutional neural network
                     (CNN) named AECWT-3DR-Net is designed to detect the crack location using CWT
                     images  as  input.  Finally,  the  trained  AECWT-3DR-Net  is  utilized  to  estimate  the
                     crack source coordinates. The overview of the proposed method is shown in Figure 1.
                     The proposed method's effectiveness is demonstrated through experiments conducted
                     on a concrete block, which is discussed in detail in Section 3.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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