Page 23 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 23

Van Vy and Hyungchul Yoon                                                         7

                     obtained  from  a  sensor  are  called  AE  signals  [16]  and  are  presented  as  an  m    n
                     matrix,  where  m  represents  the  number  of  obtained  signals,  and  n  represents  the
                     length of the signal. In this experiment, the obtained signals from eight sensors and
                     four planes are expressed in Table 1. A portion of the signals obtained from sensor 1
                     in plane A is illustrated in Figure 5. The AE signal of a crack can also be plotted with
                     time and amplitude domain as shown in Figure 6.
                       The obtained AE signals can be converted into CWT images, as illustrated in Fig-
                     ure 7. These CWT images were used to train AECWT-3DR-Net (80% of the data).
                     The evaluation was conducted on the remaining 20% of the data. The results of this
                     evaluation are presented in section 3.2.
                       The average time for the training process in this paper was 40 minutes. There is a
                     trade-off between time and accuracy, as more data for training results in a more time-
                     consuming process. In deep learning, it is generally true that the more data used for
                     training, the higher the accuracy achieved. However, determining how much data is
                     necessary to ensure accuracy is an open question, and researchers need to balance this
                     with the time required for training.

                                  Table 1. The obtained signals from the sensors in the experiment

                                  Sensor   Sensor   Sensor   Sensor   Sensor   Sensor   Sensor   Sensor
                                     1        2       3        4        5       6        7       8
                       Plane A      750     750      750      750     750      750      750     750
                       Plane B      730     730      730      730     730      730      730     730
                       Plane C      708     708      708      708     708      708      708     708
                       Plane D      710     710      710      710     710      710      710     710
                       Total       2898     2898     2898    2898     2898    2898     2898     2898

                     Fig. 5. Illustration of a portion of obtained signals from sensor 1 in plane A with 20 AE signals
                     length of 10

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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