Page 41 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 41

Dinh-Hoang-Long Tran, Quoc-Huy Le                                                25

                          Fig. 2. Structure of Convolutional Neural Network (Source: Developersbreach [10])

                     Convolutional Layer which its purpose is to extract features of the input layer. In the
                     layer, Kernel behaves like a filter that extract the features by moving along the matrix
                     of input layer. It has the same dept of the input layer the value of kernel called weight.
                     The Kernel moving along to all value of input layer by step, the magnitude of that step
                     is Stride.

                     Pooling layer: The purpose of this layer is reducing the size of date by decrease the
                     dimension of previous convolution layer but keep importance features.

                     Fully  connected  layer:  After  going  through  countless  Convolutional  Layers  and
                     Pooling  Layers  to  get  the  optimal  feature  data,  the  most  important  is  the  Fully
                     Connected Layer is the group of layers that determines the outcome of the entire model.
                     All the feature of the input will convert to 1 dimension vector through the Flatten layer
                     for ready to put in activation function for final output.

                     Activation  function:  Make  the  result  nonlinear.  The  combination  of  activation
                     functions between hidden layers is to help the model learn nonlinear relationships and
                     hidden problems in the data (Fig. 3).

                                                   Fig. 3. Activation function

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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