Page 85 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 85


                     2.2   Experimental Setup

                     The system implementation process is done automatically through 4 steps: Training
                     image processing, synthesis, comparison and prediction of results.

                     Challenges. When identifying  images  of  weapons,  there are  many  factors  that  can
                     affect the accuracy and recognizability of models:
                       + The distance of the Camera to the object is not fixed, in the process of using the
                     weapon, the object can move continuously, in case the object is too far away, the image
                     and video capture the object image very well. small, easy to confuse, difficult to model.

                                 Fig. 4. The long distance makes the identification process difficult

                       + In many cases, the light is not good enough, the weapon is used in the dark with
                     very low brightness, or the distance is long, the subject moves in the frame, making the
                     image not clear, blurred, noise, affecting the input quality of photos and videos.

                              a. Good light, blurry image           b. Poor light image, long distance

                           Fig. 5. The image of the Pistol from the surveillance camera is blurred and noisy

                       + Weapons are often hidden by hands, by many surrounding objects. In particular,
                     in many cases, they are often placed in carriers and containers such as pants pockets,
                     bags, etc. When people use weapons for bad purposes, they often intentionally hide
                     them and use them within a short period of time. Time quickly, so it is difficult to detect
                     and give early warning.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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