Page 86 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 86


                               a. In case of 1-point            b. In case the object is partially covered
                                        Fig. 6. Weapons are partially or completely covered

                       + When using weapons to commit crimes, the subjects often perform acts at night,
                     wear black clothes, use black weapons, if the camera looks from a distance, it is very
                     difficult to identify the exact location of the weapon.
                       + Pistols often have many common colors such as black, gold, silver, copper,... The
                     shape of the Pistol is almost like a hammer and is changed at many angles based on the
                     vertical, horizontal, and diagonal rotation. The shape also changes in pistol ratio due to
                     camera rotation, viewing angle, thereby causing a certain deviation.
                       -  All  of  these  problems  are  major  challenges  for  weapon  detection  in  different

                       Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to build  a diverse  learning dataset  of  objects  in  many
                     situations and circumstances, improve accuracy in difficult cases: distance; blurred,
                     noisy images; partially concealed; variety of species.

                     Data Collection and Pre-Processing.  The dataset is divided into 3 data sets including
                     training  set,  test  set  and evaluation  set,  the  images  are  then  labeled  to  identify  the
                     location  of the  pistol.  Proceed  to  configure  the parameters  for the  Model,  after the

                     with  the  input  of  pistol  images  is  taken  from  available  images,  videos,  and  actual
                     screen, and save the image or video.
                       The data set used for training and testing is detailed in the following table:

                                                  Table 1. Data (Pistol Data)

                               Label         Training            Testing               Val
                               Pistol          3000                300                 300

                     The  experimental  data  set  includes  6420  images  with  size  224x224,  built  by
                     extracting  images  from  public  sources  with  Pistol  Detection  Dataset  [12],  Pistol
                     classification dataset [13], Sohas weapon dataset [14]. The images in the dataset have
                     many different Pistol views and sizes.

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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