Page 89 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 89


                     model  were  evaluated  by  the  mAP,  Precision,  Recall,  Training  time  and  memory
                     measurements to be used during training and testing.
                       The table of evaluation results with measurements for YOLO models   V5, 7, 8 is
                     shown in the following table:

                                                   Table 4.  Training Results
                                                                           Training time     Memory
                         Model     mAP50  mAP50-95  Precision     Recall
                                                                                (h)           (MB)
                      YOLOv5-n      89.9      66.2       93.3      81.9       0.669            3.8
                      YOLOv5-m       91       71.7       93.1      82.6       0.890            42.1
                      YOLOv5l       91.8      72.6       92.6      84.8       1.319            92.7
                      YOLOv7-X      89.7      69.4       89.3      83         2.842           142.1
                      YOLOv7-       92.5       73        94.9      86.4       3.904           162.4
                      YOLOv7-E6     93.7      73.1       92.2      90.2       4.830           221.4
                      YOLOv8-l      89.5       69        88.5      89.1       0.991             52
                      YOLOv8-x      90.9      71.4       95.6      82.2        1.23           136.6

                     From the table of results obtained after training, we see that the results obtained give
                     good accuracy on the test dataset with average speed and accuracy, the reliability of the
                     best model is the YOLOv7-E6 version with 93.7% mAP 50, 63.1% mAP 50-95 and the
                     best recall with 90.2%. However, the highest precision is the YOLOv8-x with 95.6%.
                     YOLOv8 is the lastest and most accurate model available today.

                     Model Comparison.  This paper aims to compare the training results of the models to
                     come up with a proposed model.

                                               Table 5. Compare Training Results

                                                                          Training time     Memory
                        Model      mAP50  mAP50-95  Precision  Recall
                                                                               (h)            (MB)
                      YOLOv5-m       91       71.7       93.1     82.6        0.890           42.1
                      YOLOv7-E6     93.7      73.1       92.2     90.2        4.830           221.4
                      improvement   +2.7      +1.4       -0.9     +7.6        +3.94          +179.3
                      YOLOv7-W6     92.5       73        94.9     86.4        3.904           162.4
                      YOLOv7-E6     93.7      73.1       92.2     90.2        4.830           221.4
                      improvement   +1.2      +0.1       -2.7     +3.8        +0.926           +59
                      YOLOv8-x      90.9      71.4       95.6     82.2         1.23           136.6
                      YOLOv7-E6     93.7      73.1       92.2     90.2        4.830           221.4
                      improvement   +2.8      +1.7       -3.4      +8          +3.6           +84.8

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94