Page 162 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 162


                       Predicting Customer Sentiment with Vietnamese Hotel

                                            Services by LSTM Model

                         Linh Bui Khanh , Anh Nguyen Quynh , Hai Tran Van , Ha Nguyen Thi Thu
                             1 Electric Power University, {linhbk, anhnq, haitv}
                                          2 Greenwich - FPT University,

                            Abstract. The development of e-commerce has led to the strong growth of an
                            electronic hotel booking platform. Big data analytics in the hospitality industry
                            offers hotel managers and travelers many benefits. This study aims to predict the
                            sentiment of customers based on data from the TripAdvisor website to understand
                            customers' attitudes toward hotel services in Vietnam. Review data of customers
                            is collected from TripAdvisor with 22, 287 reviews of 12 hotels in 06 major cities
                            in  Vietnam.  An  LSTM  model  is  applied  to  train  and  predict  customers'
                            sentiments.  The  results  of  this  study  with  an  accuracy  of  96%  show  the
                            appropriateness of this model for predicting customer attitudes and satisfaction
                            toward hotel services in Vietnam.

                            Keywords:  LSTM,  customer  review,  Vietnamese  hotel,  data  analysis,  hotel
                            services, online review.

                     1      Introduction

                     The strong development of the Internet also leads to the development and growth of the
                     hotel industry [2, 4]. The hotel industry is a competitive market where hotel managers
                     are always looking for ways to provide the best quality in order to satisfy customers to
                     increase the return rate of guests [3]. Hotels are also adapting to different consumer
                     needs and developing different services and business models. Customer satisfaction in
                     the hotel industry today is a hot topic and essential in ensuring customer loyalty and
                     repurchase while building a good reputation and driving revenue for the hotel [5, 6].
                     Therefore, the research related to measuring customer sentiment in this field becomes
                     attractive to many scientists and hotel managers.
                       Under the influence of e-commerce and sharing economy, online booking sites are
                     also developing, recent studies are turning to data analysis of reviews that are generated
                     by customers on the Internet. The trend of studies from 2014 has diverted research
                     focuses on analyzing customer-generated big data on the Internet because of its high
                     availability,  popularity,  and  large  amount  of  data  [7].  Data  analytics  offers  the
                     opportunity to develop new techniques for mining and extracting meaningful value
                     from huge volumes of data [6]. The tourism and hospitality industries in many countries
                     strive to use data analytics to capture environmental changes and prepare long-term
                     plans and strategies. Unlike conventional approaches to a priori theories or hypotheses,
                     data analysis is a way of supporting data-driven decision-making [6]. One problem is

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