Page 170 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 170


                     loss and accuracy for each iteration. Accordingly, to the 15th iteration, the accuracy
                     increases higher and the loss value decreases. This shows the effectiveness of the model
                     suitable for predicting customer sentiment towards hotel services in Vietnam.

                                            Fig. 6. Loss and accuracy of LSTM model

                     We use  Precision, Recall and  F1-score to  measures the  effectiveness  of the LSTM
                     model above. In which, it is found that the Precision measure has a result of up to 96%.

                                    Table 2. The precision, recall and F1-score of LSTM model

                                                    Precision       Recall      F1-score
                                0                   0.74            0.66        0.70
                                1                   0.96            0.97        0.97
                                Accuracy                                        0.94
                                Macro avg           0.85            0.82        0.83
                                Weighted avg        0.96            0.94        0.94

                     To  compare  the  accuracy  of  this  model  with  the  collected  data  set.  We  used
                     DecisionTree,  RandomForest,  LogisticsRegression  and  Kneighbors  models,  to
                     compare the accuracy with the LSTM model that we applied.

                         Table 3. Compare the used LSTM model with other machine learning models
                                  Model                                Accuracy
                                  Decision Tree                        0.826277

                                  RandomForest                         0.860219
                                  LogisticsRegression                  0.889416
                                  Kneighbors                           0.859976
                                  LSTM -ours                           0.96

                     6      Conclusion

                     The trend of booking tours is growing, the number of travellers booking through online
                     channels  is  increasing  rapidly,  showing  the  fierce  competition  between  hotels  and

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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