Page 266 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 266


                                     SME6 - I think the experience on the
                                     University's  social media website I'm   0.655
                                     studying is fulfilling.
                                     SME7 - I think the experiences on the
                                     University's social media website that   0.791
                                     I'm studying are helpful.
                                     ASMS1 - I find the social media web-
                                     site of the University I am attending to   0.792  0.839   0.569
                                     be good.
                         toward      ASMS2 - I like the social media web-  0.622
                                     site of the University I am attending.
                          Media      ASMS3  -  I  find  the  University's    0.714
                                     social media website to be popular.
                                     ASMS4  -  I  find  the  social  media
                                     website of the University I am attend-  0.867
                                     ing fascinating.
                                     AB1  -  I  see  that  the  University I  am    0.719   0.885   0.561
                                     attending has a positive brand.
                                     AB2  -  I  am  satisfied  with  the  brand
                                     name  of  the  University  that  I  am  at-  0.721
                         Attitude    AB3 - I find the brand of the University
                        toward the   that I am attending is popular.       0.766
                          Brand      AB4 - I think the brand image of the    0.759
                                     University that I am attending is good.
                                     AB5 - I like the brand of the University   0.749
                                     that I am attending.
                                     AB6 - I find the brand of the University   0.779
                                     that I am attending to be great.
                                     eWOM1 -  I often read online reviews   0.752    0.872     0.580
                                     when deciding on a University.
                                     eWOM2  -  I  regularly  post  positive    0.839
                                     reviews online about A.
                        Electronic   eWOM3 - I often read positive online    0.630
                        Word Of      reviews about A University.
                         Mouth       eWOM4  -  My  online  community
                                     regularly posts online reviews of A.   0.770
                                     eWOM5  -  When  I  chose  University
                                     A,  online  reviews  and  reviews  gave   0.799
                                     me more confidence in my choice.

                     The results of testing the validity and reliability of the overall  model are shown in
                     Table 1. The model's standardized loading factor (SLF) of 22 variables is above 0.50.
                     That means all the variables are valid, and it is possible to measure the structure of the
                     entire model being built. In addition, reliability test results also give similar results.
                     All CR were higher than 0.7, and all AVE values were higher than 0.5. These results
                     suggested  a  high  level  of  convergent  validity  for  all  latent  variables  in  the  study's

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