Page 263 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 263

Thi-Thuy-Trinh Tran, Thi-Thanh-Minh Dang, Phuoc-Cuu-Long Le and Thi-Thu-Huong Dao   247

                       H1:  Social  media  experience  has  the  positively  impact  on  Attitude  toward  the
                     social media website.

                     The Relationship between  Attitude  toward Social Media  Website  and Attitude
                     Toward the Brand
                     On the basis of the attitude model towards advertising (Aad), Lutzet et al. [19] and
                     Mac-Kenzie et al. [20] have shown that a user's attitude toward a website has a direct
                     impact  on  their  brand  attitude.  This  result  is  equally  pertinent  for  examining  the
                     association between views toward social media website and attitudes toward the brand
                     [15], given that social media website are one of the most prominent sites. Currently,
                     the  majority  of  students  obtain  University-related  information  and  evaluations  via
                     social networking sites. Hence, the greater the popularity, interest, and attractiveness
                     of the  University's  social  media  platforms,  the  more positively  students  would per-
                     ceive the brand [9]. Thus, the authors present the following second hypothesis:
                       H2:  Attitude  toward  social  media  website  has  the  positively  impact  on  Attitude
                     toward the University brand.

                     The Relationship between Attitude toward the Brand on eWOM usage behavior
                     Recent  research  by  Leung  X.  Y.  et  al.  [17]  demonstrated  that  brand  attitude
                     substantially impacts the intention to utilize eWOM. However, based on the definition
                     of Hussain S. et  al. [13],  it  can be concluded  that brand attitude greatly  influences
                     eWOM  usage  behavior.  Hence,  people  will  share  trustworthy,  high-quality  content
                     from  brands  they  respect  [5].  A  strong  university  brand  encourages  students  to
                     communicate positive information about the institution, such as the quality of teach-
                     ing and amenities, with  their peers.  Universities  currently  place a  greater  emphasis
                     than  ever  before  on  communication,  including  the  improvement  of  eWOM  usage
                     behavior,  in  order  to  improve  their  competitive  position,  particularly  in  improving
                     eWOM usage behavior [11]. Thus, the following is the final hypothesis:
                       H3: Attitude toward the University brand has the positively impact on eWOM us-
                     age behavior.

                     2.3   Research Model

                     From related theories and results of previous studies, the proposed research model is
                     as follows:

                                               Figure 1. Proposed research model

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