Page 265 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 265

Thi-Thuy-Trinh Tran, Thi-Thanh-Minh Dang, Phuoc-Cuu-Long Le and Thi-Thu-Huong Dao   249

                     4     Research Results

                     4.1   Data Descriptive Statistics

                     With 310 samples in the data analysis, 144 males (46.5%) and 166 females (53.5%)
                     participated in the survey. Regarding the University that students are attending, VKU
                     students  accounted  for  the  most  with  26.5%,  the  second  was  DUE  students  with
                     19.7%, and the third place was UTE with 12.3%. Regarding the year students attend,
                     39% are currently a sophomore, 20% are a freshman, 17.7% are fourth-year students,
                     17.1% are third-year  students, and finally, 6.1% of students  are  in their  Fifth year.
                     Regarding  majors,  49.7%  of  students  majoring  in  Social  science,  19%  of  students
                     studying Science,  engineering, and  technology, 17.4% of students studying  Natural
                     Sciences, 8.1% of students studying Medical and pharmaceutical sciences, and 5.8%
                     studying Humanities. Regarding time users use social networks in a day, the authors
                     divided into four groups: Less than 1 hour accounted for 15.2%; From 1-2 hours ac-
                     counted for 24.2%; From 2-3 hours accounted for 22.6%, and over 3 hours accounted
                     for 38.1%.

                     4.2   Reliability Test Results

                     According to Cronbach's Alpha reliability test findings, all 22 observable variables of
                     the  four  groups:  Social  media  experiences  (SME),  Attitude  toward  Social  Media
                     Website  (ASM),  Attitude  towards  the  University  brand  (AB),  and  eWOM  have  a
                     Corrected item-total Correlation higher than 0.30. All scales have a Cronbach's Alpha
                     coefficient better than 0.60. Thus, these scales assure dependability.

                     4.3   Measurement and Structural Models

                                              Table 1. Measurement model results
                                                     Items                 SLF        CR        AVE
                                     SME1 - I think the experience on the
                                     University's social media website that   0.769   0.892    0.542
                                     I'm studying is important.
                                     SME2 - I think the experience on the
                                     University's  social media website I'm   0.774
                                     studying is fascinating.
                          Social     SME3 - I think the experiences on the
                          Media      University's  social media website I'm   0.764
                                     studying make a lot of sense.
                                     SME4 - I think the experience on the
                                     University's social media website that   0.668
                                     I am studying is worthwhile.
                                     SME5  -  I  think  the  experiences
                                     on  the  social  media  website  of    0.718
                                     the  University  I  am  studying  at
                                     influenced me.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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