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P. 270


                     job search advice, or university related news, can position the school as a useful and
                     valuable resource for students.

                     6.2   Limitations and Further Research

                     This study contains special contributions and aids colleges in comprehending the role
                     of social media experience in the electronic behavior of students' word-of-mouth. Yet,
                     this study has limitations:
                       First, the method of research employed in this study is random sampling. When
                     paired with proportional sampling, study results will be more accurate. Thus, this is a
                     direction for future research.
                       Second, the sample size is small. Therefore, it is uncertain whether all students use
                     electronic  word of  mouth based  on  the  impact of  social  media  experiences. Future
                     studies must collect more geographically diversified survey samples to boost the sam-
                     ple's representativeness.


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