Page 311 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 311

Tran-Viet An and Vu-Anh-Quang Nguyen                                            295

                     used in the study, including the simulation environment and performance metrics. Sec-
                     tion 3 presents the results of the evaluation and discussion, followed by section 6 con-
                     cludes the paper and discusses potential directions for future research.

                     2     Background

                     2.1   A* algorithm

                     A* algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm used in pathfinding and graph traversal. It
                     is a combination of Dijkstra's algorithm and a heuristic function that estimates the dis-
                     tance between the current node and the goal node. A* algorithm uses a priority queue
                     to store the open list of nodes to be explored. The priority queue is sorted by the sum
                     of the cost to reach the node from the start node and the estimated cost to reach the goal
                     node [1].
                       The algorithm starts at the start node and explores the neighboring nodes. For each
                     neighbor,  the algorithm  calculates  the cost  of  moving  from  the current node to the
                     neighbor and the estimated cost of moving from the neighbor to the goal node. The sum
                     of these two costs is used as the priority value to add the neighbor node to the open list.
                     The algorithm then selects the node with the lowest priority value from the open list
                     and continues exploring its neighbors. This process is repeated until the goal node is
                       A* algorithm guarantees finding the shortest path if the heuristic function satisfies
                     the admissibility condition, which means the estimated cost to the goal node is always
                     less than or equal to the actual cost. A* algorithm is commonly used in autonomous
                     driving vehicles for route planning, collision avoidance, and other pathfinding tasks.

                     2.2               algorithm

                                         [2] is a popular algorithm for finding the shortest path between
                     two nodes in a graph. It starts by assigning a tentative distance to all nodes from the
                     starting node, which is initially set to 0. Then, it selects the node with the smallest
                     tentative distance and explores its neighboring nodes. For each neighboring node, the
                     algorithm updates its tentative distance if a shorter path is found from the starting node.
                       The algorithm continues to select the node with the smallest tentative distance and
                     explore its neighbors until the destination node is reached, or all nodes have been ex-
                     plored. The algorithm uses a data structure called a priority queue to store the nodes
                     with their tentative distances, and it guarantees that the shortest path is found when the
                     algorithm terminates.
                                                     used in various applications, including transportation
                     networks, computer networks, and social networks. In the context of autonomous driv-

                     avoidance. It is an efficient algorithm when the graph is sparse, which means there are
                     few connections between nodes. However, its performance can degrade when the graph
                     becomes dense, which can happen in large-scale road networks.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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