Page 315 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 315

Tran-Viet An and Vu-Anh-Quang Nguyen                                            299

                       In Fig 4, we can see that EBAND is the best algorithm for finding the shortest path
                     to the destination. Meanwhile,                     calculates the longest distance to
                     reach the destination. EBAND  is a relatively new algorithm that combines elements of
                     both exact and heuristic search strategies. It aims to optimize the trade-off between
                     computation time and solution quality. It has shown promising results in certain sce-
                     narios, particularly in large-scale networks.
                       On the other hand, Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic and widely used algorithm for
                     finding the shortest path in a graph. It guarantees finding the optimal solution and works
                     well for small to medium-sized graphs. Dijkstra's algorithm explores the graph by iter-
                     atively selecting the vertex with the shortest path from the source node.
                       The choice between EBAND and Dijkstra's algorithm depends on several factors,
                     including the size,  the desired solution quality,  and the  available computational  re-
                     sources. In some cases, EBAND may offer better performance, especially in large-scale
                     networks. However, Dijkstra's algorithm remains a reliable and widely used approach
                     for finding the shortest path in many practical situations.

                                                                              Number of obtacle
                                                      Fig. 4. Path length

                                                                                Number of obtacle

                                                   Fig. 5. Computation time

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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