Page 91 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 91


                                                   Fig. 10. Precision và recall

                     With a fairly high Precision and Recall measurement, it creates stability in layering
                     ability of the Yolov7-E6 model but is not too superior to other models.
                       The model achieves very good results for cases where the input image is of good
                     quality, with special cases such as only one pistol-point, the model has quality results
                     received with an accuracy of about 30-80%, specifically in the following cases:

                           One pixel       One partially covered     One point         Bad condition
                                 Fig. 11. Training results using YOLOv7-E6 model for special cases

                     The main reason is because YOLO V7 has improved with the use of 9 anchor boxes,
                     allowing  YOLO  to  detect  a  wider  range  of  object  shapes  and  sizes  than  previous
                     versions, thus reducing the number of misidentifications.
                       An important improvement of YOLO V7 is the use of a new loss function called
                                                                                  -entropy loss function,
                     which is known to be less effective at detecting small objects. Focal loss solves this
                     problem by reducing loss weights for well-classified examples and focusing on hard
                     examples that are hard to detect objects. YOLO V7 also has a higher resolution than
                     previous versions. It processes images at a resolution of 608 x 608 pixels, which is
                     higher than the 416 x 416 resolution used in YOLO v3. This higher resolution allows
                     YOLO V7 to detect smaller objects with greater overall accuracy.

                     Comparisons.  There  have  been  many  approaches  to  the  problem  of  detecting  hot
                     weapons, but these methods work pixel-by-pixel and are ineffective in many cases.
                     When  using  the  YOLOv3  model  [3]  [4] [5] [6]  for  the problem of  identifying  hot
                     weapons, special cases due to partial coverage, blurred image, one pixel, the results are
                     quite  low. The YOLOv7-E6 model  gives much better results  than existing models,
                     solving special cases with 30-80% accuracy is acceptable with real-time processing
                     problems to give warnings. In addition, the mAP and recall indicators are superior to
                     the  models  compared  and  have  an  accuracy  of  93.7%  lower  than  YOLOv5-m,

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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