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Title: signBEER: Decentralized Optimization with Improved Communication by Signs
Authors: Le, Trieu Phong
Tran, Thi Phuong
Fukushima, Kazuhide
Keywords: signBEER
Communication by Signs
Issue Date: Nov-2024
Publisher: Springer Nature
Abstract: This paper presents signBEER, an algorithm designed to enhance communication efficiency within the BEER algorithm framework (Zhao et al., NeurIPS 2022). In contrast to the preceding BEER algorithm, signBEER utilizes communication vectors composed exclusively of signs. Our findings reveal that signBEER outperforms the original BEER algorithm, resulting in enhancements in communication efficiency. The realized cost savings with signBEER are higher than those achieved with the traditional BEER algorithm. Furthermore, signBEER exhibits greater resilience against communication errors compared to BEER, attributed to its reliance on signs. Our proposed algorithm, signBEER, shows particular promise in scenarios with constrained bandwidth, privacy enhancement requirements, or error-prone communication, such as in IoT environments.
Description: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS,volume 882); The 13th Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (CITA 2024) ; pp: 16-27.
Appears in Collections:CITA 2024 (International)

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