Page 198 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 198


                     monitoring areas, and the service life of the sensors is not durable due to environmental
                     influences  and  geographical  conditions.  For  warning  systems  using  satellites  can
                     cover a wide area, but there are some limitations such as the low resolution of images,
                     high cost, and influenced of weather. In fact, a highly regarded method of forest fire
                     detection is to rely on images and videos collected from CCTV cameras. Therefore,
                     image processing techniques are studied and applied a lot in detecting fire fires.
                       Recently, algorithms using deep learning have been of great interest because they
                     can detect fires quickly with high accuracy. Image recognition algorithms based on
                     convolutional neural networks (CNN) can efficiently learn and extract complex image
                     features.  As  a result,  some researchers have  applied CNN  to  fire detection through
                     imaging.  In  [1],  the  team  detected  fires  based  on  a  GoogleNet  model  with  data
                     collected from surveillance cameras. In the paper [2], [3], [4], the researchers applied
                     the CNN network in smoke detection. In [5], the team proposes to improve the CNN
                     network to detect fires in real-time. The detection of fire and escape with little data
                     was  studied  and  proposed  by  A.  Namozov's  research  team,  which  corrected
                     overfitting using  data  augmentation  techniques and  generative  adversarial networks
                     [6]. In 2018, research teams compared AlexNet, VGG, Inception, ResNet, etc. models
                     and developed smoke and flame detection algorithms [7, 9]. In 2017, Muhammad's
                     team  detected  early  fires  using  the  CNN  network  with  self-generated  datasets,
                     fine-tuned  data  collection  cameras,  and  a  proposed  channel  selection  algorithm  for
                     cameras  to  ensure  data  reliability  [8].  In  [10]  the  authors  studied  the  feasibility  of
                     network  models  with  data  collected  through  unmanned  aerial  vehicles  (UAVs).
                     Y.Luo's  team  [1  1]  came  up  with  a  moving  object  detection  method  to  create
                     suggested zones based on background motion updates, then used the CNN algorithm
                     to  detect  smoke  in  these  areas.  In  [12],  the  authors  used  Gaussian  (MOG)  to
                     distinguish the background and foreground, used a floor model to identify proposed
                     smoke regions, and then applied the CaffeNet network to detect smoke. The method
                     of using the suggested color point of the fire area, the AlexNet network to detect fire
                     is given in the paper [13]. In 2020, the authors detected Forest fire using an LBP color
                     signature  combined  with  a  deep  learning  network  to  detect  smoke  and  fire  with
                     datasets collected from overhead cameras [14]. The authors in [15] offer a combined
                     solution using LSTM and YOLO models to detect smoke in forest fire environments.
                     The LSTM model reduces the number of layers and obtains better results in smoke
                     detection. Another method in [16] proposes integrating cloud computing and CNN for
                     fire detection. The paper[17] lays out a new method of classifying Forest fire based on
                     the CNN model, called Fire_Net inspired by the AlexNet network, but improved with
                     15 layers, more efficient for the classification task. In [18], the authors propose a fire
                     detection  deep  learning  model  called  ForestResNet,  based  on  ResNet-50.  Another
                     study  in  [19]  applied  a  multi-layered  classification  model  to  forest  fire  detection.
                     Their method uses transition learning based on VGG-16, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-
                     121 to classify flames, smoke, fireless, and other objects in the image. The paper [20]
                     proposes the CNN model for smoke detection in Forest fires. Their proposed CNN
                     model  applied  batch  normalization  and  multi-convolution  to  optimize  and  improve
                     the accuracy of classification.

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