Page 199 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 199

Cong Tung Dinh, Thu Huong Nguyen, Huyen Do Thi, Nam Anh Bui                     183

                       It is obviously difficult to evaluate and compare methods with each other because
                     they are not tested on the same dataset and authors often do not publish source code
                     details. For the purpose of comparing, evaluating as well as proposing suitable deep
                     learning models, and fire detection applications based on images from cameras, in this
                     paper, we study some popular deep learning models Xception, Inception-V3, VGG-19
                     and ResNet152-V2. Next, forest fire detection methods based on these models were
                     installed  and  finally  tested  on  the  same  large  dataset  of  images  collected  from  the
                     camera. The test results show that these methods are all capable of good detection and
                     the method based on ResNet152-V2 achieves the highest accuracy of over 95%.
                       In the next section, we present deep learning models that apply fire detection based
                     on surveillance cameras. Part 2 describes the steps of data processing. Part 3 presents
                     the experiment and the results achieved. Finally, part 4 is conclusive.

                     2     Some deep learning models that detect forest fire

                     2.1   Xception model

                     The Xception network is a deep neural network architecture introduced by researchers
                     in the paper "Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions" in
                     2016  [21].  Xception  was  developed  from  the  Inception  network  architecture  to
                     improve and enhance performance. One of the special highlights of Xception is the
                     use of an individual convolutional structure on each feature before performing total
                     convolution.  This  helps  the  network  learn  the  correlation  between  features.  This
                     approach reduces the number of parameters and calculations in the network, avoids
                     overfitting,  and  improves  model  performance  and  accuracy.  The  specifics  of  the
                     layers in Xception can be described as follows: The input layer receives a fixed-sized
                     image with the parameter being the size of the input image. In the next two CONV
                     layers,  there  are  32  3x3  filters  and  64  3x3  filters,  respectively.  Next,  the  most
                     important layer in Xception is the Depthwise Separable Convolution Block consisting
                     of two stages. The first stage (Depthwise) is the individual convolution of features on
                     each image channel, similar to traditional convolution. However, here each channel is
                     handled independently of the others. Xceptinon then combines features from different
                     channels to create new features (Separable). The next layer is Average Pooling with a
                     size of 10x10 to help reduce the number of parameters and avoid overfitting. Finally,
                     there is the fully connected layer and the output depends on the number of layers of
                     the  classification  problem.  For  the  dataset  in  the  paper,  Xception  predicts  up  to
                     94.26% accuracy.

                     2.2   Inception-V3 model

                     The  Inception-V3  model  is  a  deep  neural  network  architecture  developed  and
                     published in 2015 [22]. InceptionV3 is an improved version of earlier versions such
                     as Inception and Inception-V2. The special feature of Inception-V3 is the use of the
                     Inception  module,  a  module  with  many  parallel  branches  that  allows  the  model  to

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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