Page 203 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 203

Cong Tung Dinh, Thu Huong Nguyen, Huyen Do Thi, Nam Anh Bui                     187

                     total  number  of  points  classified  in  that  class.  The  Recall  value  is  the  ratio  of  the
                     number of correctly identified points in a class to the total number of data points in
                     that class. The F1-score quantity is the harmonic average determined based on two
                     measurements.  Results  comparing  fire  detection  accuracy  between  algorithms  are
                     shown in Table 2.

                                       Table 2. Comparison of accuracy between algorithms

                               Models       Accuracy      Precision        Recall       F1-Score
                           ResNet152-V2      95.53%       92.61%          98.95%        95.67%
                              VGG-19         94.73%       94.32%          96.31%        95.31%
                            Inception-V3     94.21%       91.59%          97.37%        94.39%
                              Xception       93.94%       92.82%          95.26%        94.03%

                     To better clarify the results of each deep learning technique, we use the Confusion
                     matrix that displays the classification performance of each deep learning model more
                     visually. Accordingly, the matrix's vertical axis corresponds to the two layers of fire
                     and no-fire. Diaphragmatic axes are labels according to the prediction model, which
                     also corresponds to the two classes above.
                       In  the  ResNet152-V2  model,  the  Confusion  matrix  is  shown  in  Figure  3.
                     Accordingly, the model correctly predicted 188 fire cases out of 203 predicted cases.
                     There were 15 cases where the model wrongly predicted fire despite no-fire. There
                     are 2 cases of forest fires, but the model is not predictable. Out of a total of 190 real
                     fire cases, the model correctly predicted 188 cases.
                       In the VGG-19 model, the Confusion matrix is shown in Figure 4. Accordingly, the
                     model correctly predicted 183 fire cases out of 194 predicted cases. There were 11
                     cases  where the  model  wrongly  predicted fire despite no-fire.  There are 7 cases of
                     forest fires, but the model is not predictable. Out of a total of 190 real fire cases, the
                     model correctly predicted 183 cases.
                       In the InceptionV3 model, the Confusion matrix is shown in Figure 5. According-
                     ly, the model correctly predicted 185 fire cases out of 202 predicted cases. There were
                     17 cases where the model wrongly predicted fire despite no-fire. There are 5 cases of
                     forest fires, but the model is not predictable. Out of a total of 190 real fire cases, the
                     model correctly predicted 185 cases.
                       In the Xception model, the Confusion matrix is shown in Figure 6. Accordingly,
                     the model correctly predicted 181 fire cases out of 195 predicted cases. There were 14
                     cases where the model wrongly predicted fire despite no-fire. There were 9 cases of
                     forest fires, but the model was not predictable. Out of a total of 190 real fire cases, the
                     model correctly predicted 181 cases.

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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