Page 201 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 201

Cong Tung Dinh, Thu Huong Nguyen, Huyen Do Thi, Nam Anh Bui                     185

                     Each convolutional layer of the model is applied several filters to search for features
                     in the input image. The ResNet152-V2 model uses the Residual block proposed by
                     ResNet, which avoids the deterioration of accuracy when the neural network becomes
                     very deep. The ResNet152-V2 model also uses a bottleneck technique, allowing the
                     model to learn higher-resolution features without adding depth to the network. This
                     technique  uses  small-sized  convolutional  layers  before  using  large-sized
                     convolutional  layers  to  reduce  calculation  costs.  The  specifics  of  the  models  are
                     described as follows: The input layer is a 224x224x3 image. The convolutional layer
                     consists of 152 layers divided into different blocks. Each block consists of multiple
                     convolutional layers and activation layers. The Residual blocks of the ResNet152-V2
                     Residual network contain a number of building blocks designed to reduce the depth of
                     the network and reduce the deterioration of accuracy when the network becomes very
                     deep. Finally, there are trigger functions, pooling layers, and full connection layers.
                     ResNet152-V2  is  an  upgraded  version  of  ResNet152,  with  improvements  in
                     architecture and training methods to achieve greater accuracy. It has 152 layers and
                     8.0 million parameters, trained on an ImageNet dataset of 1.28 million images. For
                     the  dataset  in  the  paper,  the  prediction  ResNet152-V2  model  has  an  accuracy  of

                     3     Dataset

                     In this paper, we use Ali Khan's forest fire dataset, with three color channels, 250x250
                     in size, for a total of 1900 images, divided into two layers, 950 fire images and 950
                     no-fire images [24]. Figure 1 depicts some of the images in the dataset. The data is
                     preprocessed and labeled, divided into two  parts with 80% of the samples used for
                     training and 20% of the samples used for testing. In the test data set, we use 20% for
                     validation. The allocation of training and testing data is presented in Table 1. Training
                     data  will  be  trained  using  different  deep  learning  algorithms,  thereby  making
                     comparisons and judgments about the methods used.

                              Fig 1. Some images in the dataset (Row 1 is some images of the fire class,
                                            row 2 is some images of the no-fire class.)

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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