Page 260 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 260


                          The Impact of Social Media Experience on eWOM

                                Usage Behavior: A Case Study of Students
                                        from the University of Danang

                              Thi-Thuy-Trinh Tran, Thi-Thanh-Minh Dang, Phuoc-Cuu-Long Le
                                                  and Thi-Thu-Huong Dao

                       The University of Danang, Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication
                                                 Technology, Danang, Vietnam

                           Abstract. This study aims to explore the impact of social media experience on
                           the eWOM usage behavior of students from the University of Danang, Vietnam.
                           By  utilizing  a  quantitative  methodology,  a  questionnaire  comprising  310
                           responses from university students selected at random has been developed. To
                           determine the relationship between social media experience and eWOM usage
                           behavior,  the  collected  data  were  subjected  to  Structural  Equation  Modeling
                           (SEM)  with  the AMOS  application. The  findings of  this  study indicated that
                           social media experience significantly influences students' eWOM use behavior
                           via  two  intermediate  variables:  attitude  toward  social  media  websites  and
                           attitude toward the University brand. By developing positive attitudes toward
                           social  media  websites  and  brands,  students  with  more  positive  social  media
                           experiences  were  more  likely  to  engage  in  eWOM  behavior. Therefore,  this
                           study  brings  some  recommendations  for  universities  to  promote  positive
                           eWOM usage behavior of students by creating an active and engaging presence
                           on social media platforms.

                           Keywords: Social  Media,  Social  Media  Experience, Attitude  Toward  The
                           Brand, Attitude Toward Website, eWOM.

                     1     Introduction

                     With the constant advancement of science and technology, digital transformation has
                     emerged as a trend in society and education. Y. Durmaz et al. [6] discovered that the
                     change in how individuals seek, trade, and receive information had prompted a shift
                     from a conventional to a digital marketing strategy. According to We Are Social and
                     Kepios [25], 76.95 million social media users in Vietnam are mainly aged 18 - 34 to
                     search for information about brands and products.
                       In  addition,  individuals  can  engage  in  eWOM  usage  by  discussing  the  brand's
                     products or services on social media platforms with their friends and acquaintances.
                     Thus,  eWOM  is  a  significant  influencer  marketing  tool  [26].  Kim  et  al.  [14]  and
                     Erkan, I. et al. [7] confirmed that social media websites had created a multitude of

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