Page 256 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 256


                     5     Discussion

                     According to the study's findings, two key elements positively influence customers'
                     purchase  intention  when  utilizing  telecommunicating  network  services:  brand
                     awareness (=0.200) and intrinsic motivation (=0.249). The findings of Lu et al. [12],
                     Das [7], Syed, Shah, and Ahmad, F. S. [25] are equivalent to these results. According
                     to  the  regression  results,  the  value  -0.376  indicated  that  the  perceived  risk  has  a
                     detrimental effect on the intention to use. Customers would rather not take any chances
                     while shopping online whenever it is possible. There is not much of an impact on the
                     consumer's  intention  to  utilize  the  service  when  the  perceived  risk  is  lower  than
                     the consumer's permitted value. On the other hand, consumers who have a high sense
                     of  risk  are  more  likely  to  put  off  or  completely  forego  the  adoption  of  a  brand's
                     telecommunication services. The research of Ahn and Associates [11] also showed that
                     the level of risk linked with the product or service affects the level of intent to buy.
                     The investigation that was conducted by Bui Thanh Trang [26] has generated similar
                       In addition, the perceived risk may act as a moderator in the relationship between
                     brand awareness and intrinsic motivation as well as intent to make a purchase, and the
                     following four elements have an impact on the perceived level of risk: Financial risk,
                     time risk, product risk, and privacy risk. Time risk is the most substantial explanation
                                                                                             third is the

                     research conducted by Nguyen Xuan Hiep and Minh Dat [30] also demonstrated that
                     individuals' online purchase decisions are influenced by four perceived risk factors:
                     time risk, product risk, privacy risk, and financial risk.
                       Furthermore, the author offered an exhaustive research approach to elucidate the
                     impact of perceived risk and its function in brand awareness, intrinsic motivation, and
                     purchase intention in the Vietnamese telecom industry. In addition, this study provided
                     fresh information contributing to understanding consumer behavior theories. It sheds
                     light on the connection between consumers' perceptions of risk, brand awareness, and
                     the underlying motivations that drive them. Telecommunication companies can better
                     meet the expectations of their customers if they reduce the risk they are perceived to be
                     taking and apply resource-appropriate business strategies.

                     6     Conclusion

                     6.1   Conclusion and Implication

                     Having  determined  the  relationship  between  perceived  risk  and  its  role  in  brand
                     awareness, intrinsic motivation, and purchase intention from research results, the study
                     proposes the following management implications to telecommunication companies in
                     enhancing purchase intention and minimizing perceived risk:
                       Firstly, increase brand awareness. This is the most influential factor on customers'
                     in-tent to utilize network services. Consumers will tend to form consumption intentions

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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