Page 96 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 96


                     3     Basic Notions

                     In this  section, we  briefly present  basic notions  related to the representation of  the
                     measure of central tendency and collective decision.

                     Types of Measure of Central Tendency

                     For comparison the condensation of data set, it is necessary to summarize the data set
                     in  a  single  value.  Such  a  value  usually  somewhere  in  the  center  and  represent  the
                     entire data set and hence it is called measure of central tendency or averages.

                     Definition  1.  A  value  obtained  by  dividing  the  sum  of  all  the  observations  by  the
                     number of observations is called arithmetic mean or simply as the mean [6].

                     Let x 1, x 2  x n be the data values, then we have


                     where   is a symbol representing the mean of the x i values.
                       If the data are grouped, with fi occurrences of the value xi for I
                     their mean is given by


                     where the numerator is the sum of all of the xi values and the denominator is the total
                     number of values.

                     Definition 2. A value obtained by the n  root                  n
                     called geometric mean [6].

                     Let x 1, x 2  x n be the data values, then the geometric mean (GM) is defined as:


                     This can also be written as



                     where                   n = f 1 + f 2          n

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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