Page 250 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 250


                     brand awareness is measured by the preference for one brand over others in the same
                     product  category [18]. The greater  the brand  awareness, the better the  product will
                     develop, and the greater the profit will increase [22]. This is regarded as one of the
                     fundamental components of brand equity [9]. Consequently, brand awareness is the
                     primary objective of social marketing [23, 27].
                       According to Dabbous and Barakat [6], brand awareness significantly impacts how
                     consumers perceive a brand. Therefore, a well-known brand can repeatedly influence
                     the  desire  to  purchase  or  utilize  a  product.  Previous  research  [7,  14]  has  also
                     demonstrated that brand awareness impacts consumers' purchase intention. The greater
                     a brand's visibility, the more likely consumers will select it when making a purchase.
                     Thus, the first hypothesis is:
                       H1: Brand Awareness has a positive influence on Purchase Intention.

                     The relationship between Brand Awareness and Perceived Risk
                     Previous  research  has  shown  that  brand  awareness  impacts  perceived  risk  [5,  12].
                     Mitchell [14] defined perceived risk as a form of uncertainty in a purchase; however, a
                     well-known  brand  cannot  assure  low-risk  awareness  to  consumers  because  they
                     will  seek  information  about  the  brand.  Due  to  familiarity  with  the  brand  and  its
                     characteristics, brand awareness can also affect consumers' perceptions of risk and their
                     confidence in purchasing decisions. The greater the brand's prominence, the more data
                     will be gathered, and the greater the perceived risk will be [16]. Therefore, the author
                     presents the following second hypothesis:
                       H2: Brand Awareness has a positive influence on Perceived Risk.

                     The relationship between Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention
                     Perceived risk has emerged as a crucial concept for elucidating consumer behaviour
                     [13]  and  purchase  intention  [10].  According  to  Ariffin  et  al.  [2],  the  uncertainty
                     surrounding  unfavourable  outcomes  constitutes  perceived  risk.  Prior  to  making  a
                     purchase, a customer may assume risks associated with selecting a specific brand and
                     conducting extensive research in order to obtain a high-quality product or service. A
                     consumer's ability to govern uncertain behaviour and influence behavioural decisions
                     can be diminished by the perception of risk.
                       Research by Stone and Gronhaug [24] showed that perceived risk is determined by
                     six variables: financial risk, operational risk, physical risk, psychological risk, social
                     risk, and time risk. Bhatnagar and Ghose [3] contend that product, financial, and buyer
                     information  security  risks  negatively  impact  online  purchasing  decisions.  In  the
                     meantime, Chen [5] and Wang [29] found that perceived risk is measured by financial,
                     operational, product, timing, and other factors. Referencing the previous and specific
                     studies of Vietnam's telecommunications services industry, this study used four factors:
                     financial  risk,  time  risk,  product  risk,  and  privacy  risk,  to  measure  the  impact  of
                     perceived risk and its role in the influence of brand awareness, and intrinsic motivation
                     on purchase intention.
                       In addition, consumers are more likely to transact if the perceived risk associated
                     with  online transactions is  reduced  and  they  have  greater control  over  their  online

                     CITA 2023                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9
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