Page 254 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 254


                         IM1                3.9100            .336               .760                .
                         IM2                3.9100            .303               .760                .
                      Purchase Intention (PI) = 0.831 (N=3)
                         PI1                7.2167           3.087               .623             .828
                         PI2                7.5133           2.518               .769             .683
                         PI3                7.5500           2.676               .684             .772

                     4.3   Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) Results

                     The results  achieved  KMO  coefficient =  0.766>  0.5  and Barlett's test value with a
                     significance  level  Sig  =  0.000  <0.05,    indicating  that  these  23  observations  were
                     correlated and entirely consistent with the factor analysis.
                       Besides, the results showed that 23 items are grouped into seven factors. The total
                     variance extracted is 64.383%> 50%, showing that seven factors explain 64.383% of
                     the variation of the data set, and the Eigenvalues are 4.797; 2.953; 2.646; 2.283; 2.016;
                     1.386,  and  1.123,  respectively,  and  they  are  all  higher  than  1  qualifies  for  factor

                     4.4   Research Model Testing

                     Table 2 displayed the calculated AVE and CR for all factors. All CR were higher than
                     0.7, and all AVE values were higher than 0.5. These results suggested a high level of
                     convergent  validity  for  all  latent  variables  in  the  study's  measurement  model.  The
                     values suggested  that the  inter-construct correlation coefficients were  all  below  the
                     cut-off point of 0.85. Moreover, all AVE values were larger than the MSV. Hence, the
                     CFA results provided evidence of discriminant validity for all study constructs.

                                   Table 2. Inter-construct Correlations, MSV, and AVE Statistics

                               CR     AVE    MSV   (H)    MaxR  TR   BA   PVR   FR    PI      PR    IM

                      TR     0.81   0.58   0.02   0.81   0.76
                      BA     0.84   0.64   0.19   0.88   -0.05  0.79
                      PVR    0.87   0.63   0.01   0.88   0.03         0.79
                      FR     0.86   0.60   0.21   0.87   -0.02  0.43   -0.09  0.77
                      PI     0.84   0.64   0.17   0.87   -0.02  -0.01  0.07   -0.32  0.79
                      PR     0.81   0.59   0.01   0.81   0.09   0.08   0.11   0.03   -0.03  0.76
                      IM     0.86   0.76   0.21   0.87   0.13   -0.16  0.06   -0.45  0.42   -0.10  0.87

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