Page 248 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 248


                         The Impact of Perceived Risk and Its Role in Brand

                     Awareness, Intrinsic Motivation, and Purchase Intention
                            in the Telecommunications Industry in Vietnam

                               Phuoc-Cuu-Long Le , Thi-Thuy-Trinh Tran , Thi-Duyen Pham ,
                                      Thi-Thanh-Minh Dang , and Linh-Giang Nguyen     5
                              The University of Danang, Vietnam-Korea University of Information and
                                          Communication Technology, Danang, Vietnam

                           Abstract. This  study  aimed  to  examine  the  role  of  perceived  risk  in  the
                           relationship  between  brand  awareness,  intrinsic  motivation,  and  purchase
                           intention,  specifically  in  the  telecommunications  industry.  This  study  used  a
                           deductive methodology combined with a quantitative approach. Three hundred
                           Vietnamese telecommunications customers participated in the study. The data
                           were collected through an online questionnaire. Using the AMOS application, the
                           data  were  subjected  to Structural  Equation  Modelling (SEM) to ascertain  the
                           existence  of  an  indirect  relationship.  According  to the  findings  of  this study,
                           perceived risk is an intermediate variable affecting brand awareness and intrinsic
                           motivation for purchase intention. In which, financial risk, time risk, product risk,
                           and privacy risk are the fundamental elements that comprise the perceived risk.
                           However, it is regarded as a risk for reducing purchase intention. If a telecom-
                           munication brand is perceived as high-risk, consumer intent to use its services
                           will decrease. Additionally, brand awareness and intrinsic motivation influence
                           purchase intention positively. By determining the relationship between them and
                           customers'  purchase  intention  in  the  network  services  industry,  the  study
                           provided telecommunications companies with a more precise understanding of
                           the role of perceived risk in enhancing brand awareness and intrinsic motivation
                           in customers' purchase intention.

                           Keywords: Brand  Awareness,  Perceived  Risk,  Purchase  Intention,  Intrinsic

                     1     Introduction

                     In  recent  years,  Vietnam's  telecommunications  market  has  experienced  significant
                     growth,  which  is  anticipated  to  accelerate  through  2025-specifically,  the  revenue
                     generated by the telecommunications service sector. After the impact of the Covid-19
                     pandemic, communication has increased as more users work from home and spend
                     more time on other forms of online entertainment [8]. Thus, the increasing demand for

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