Page 253 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 253

Phuoc-Cuu-Long Le, Thi-Thuy-Trinh Tran, Thi-Duyen Pham, Thi-Thanh-Minh Dang, and Linh-Giang Nguyen  237

                     4     Research Results

                     4.1   Data Descriptive Statistics

                     With 300 samples included in the data analysis, 175 males (58.3%) and 125 females
                     (41.7%) participated in the survey. Regarding age, the author divided into three groups:
                     From 15-22 years old accounted for 28.7%; From 23-30 years old accounted for 38.7%;
                     Over 30 years old accounted for 32.7%. Regarding monthly income, 6.0% have income
                     under 5 million VND; 18.7% have a monthly income of 5-10 million VND; 22.3% have
                     income from 11-20 million VND; 24.0% have monthly income over 30 million VND;
                     from 20-30 million VND account for 29.0%.

                     4.2   Reliability Test Results

                     According to the results of the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test, the Corrected item-
                     total Correlation for all observable variables is greater than 0.30. Cronbach's Alpha
                     coefficients for all scales are greater than 0.60. Consequently, these instruments guar-
                     antee dependability.

                                             Table 1.

                        Observed      Scale Mean if   Scale Variance   Corrected Item   Cronbach's Al-
                        variables     Item Deleted   if Item Deleted   Total Correla-   pha if Item De-
                                                                           tion              leted
                      Brand Awareness (BA) = 0.885 (N=4)
                          BA1              11.3367           2.565              .722              .863
                          BA2              11.5333           2.009              .813              .839
                          BA3              11.4233           2.533              .808              .834
                          BA4              11.3467           2.802              .711              .871
                      Financial Risk (FR) = 0.850 (N=4)
                          FR1              12.3633           4.466              .673              .823
                          FR2              12.6800           3.516              .778              .769
                          FR3              12.9867           3.772              .685              .813
                          FR4              12.9500           4.001              .647              .827
                      Product Risk (PR) = 0.809 (N=3)
                          PR1               6.6233           1.453              .641              .755
                          PR2               6.6733           1.351              .673              .723
                          PR3               6.6367           1.523              .662              .736
                      Privacy Risk (PVR) = 0.870 (N=4)
                         PVR1              11.4700           4.364               .710             .839
                         PVR2              11.4500           4.462              .770              .817
                         PVR3              11.5100           4.324               .759             .819
                         PVR4              11.5600           4.314               .663             .860
                      Time Risk (TR) = 0.804 (N=3)
                         TR1                7.7800           1.296               .675             .706
                         TR2                7.8533           1.383              .612              .770
                         TR3                7.8400           1.279               .665             .717
                      Intrinsic Motivation (IM) = 0.863 (N=2)

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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