Page 97 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 97

Thanh Trung Nguyen, Hai Bang Truong                                              81

                     It is also represented as:


                     For any grouped data, GM can be written as


                     Definition  3.  Let  x1    n    R  be  a  sample  of  estimates.  The  collective  decision
                     colD(x) is the aggregation of these estimates by an aggregation function, which is a
                     statistical estimator of the true value   [7].


                     For estimating a continuous value, the  cost function is defined as a function of the
                     difference of the collective decision colD(x) and the true value   [7].


                     Definition 4. The phenomenon of crowd wisdom can be conceptualized by the diver-
                     sity prediction theorem as follows [7].


                                  Where                  2  is the collective error,

                                                                is the mean squared error

                                  and                             is the variance.

                     4     Aggregation methods

                     In this section, we briefly provide an overview of the aggregation methods utilized in
                     previous  studies  on  the  wisdom  of  crowds.  There  are  various  methods  used  for
                     aggregating  judgments  from  multiple  individuals,  which  include  the  arithmetic
                     average, geometric average, weighted average, median and mode average.

                     4.1   Arithmetic average

                     The fundamental approach was initially introduced by Francis Galton [8], who was
                     the first to describe the Wisdom of  the Crowd  from  a scientific  perspective.  If the
                     decision-maker has limited knowledge about the domain, utilizing this basic average
                     is a practical and reasonable approach. Implementing the arithmetic average assumes
                     that all members of the crowd are assigned equal importance. Therefore, it appears
                     that  this  average  method  has  become  a  common  aggregation  method  in  various
                     research studies [9], [10], [11], [12]. In addition, several studies have used arithmetic
                     average as a standard for comparation with other methods of aggregation  [13], [9],

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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