Page 239 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 239

Nguyen Van Thanh Vinh, Nguyen Dang Nha, Le Kim Hoang Trung and Nguyen Thanh Tuan   223

                     InMaps  Framework  is  a  comprehensive  solution  for  indoor  mapping  and
                     location-based services. It consists of three layers: 2D Layer, 3D Layer and Service
                     Layer. (See Fig. 1).
                             The 2D Layer provides a high-quality and interactive map of indoor spaces,
                             such  as  malls,  airports,  museums,  etc.  Th  map  can  be  customized  with
                             different  styles, themes and  features  to  suit different use cases  and  prefer-
                             ences. The 2D Layer also supports offline mode, zooming, panning, rotation
                             and other gestures.
                             The  3D  Layer  enables  indoor  navigation  and  wayfinding  for  users  and
                             visitors.  It  uses  a  combination  of  sensors,  beacons,  and  algorithms  to
                             determine the user's position and orientation in the indoor environment. The
                             3D  Layer  also  offers  turn-by-turn  directions,  voice  guidance,  landmarks,
                             points of interest and other information to help users find their destinations.
                             The Service Layer enhances the indoor experience with various value-added
                             services, such as indoor location, heatmap, real-time event map and external
                             API. The  indoor  location  service  allows  users  to  share  their  location  with
                             others, find nearby friends or colleagues, or request assistance. The heatmap
                             service shows the distribution of foot traffic and occupancy in different areas
                             of the indoor space. The real-time event map service displays the status and
                             updates  of  events  happening  in  the  indoor  space,  such  as  concerts,
                             exhibitions,  promotions,  etc.  The  external  API  service  allows  third-party
                             developers  to  integrate  InMaps  Framework  with  their  own  applications  or

                     3.2   Design and implementation InMaps Framework

                     Designing a 2D,3D map layer requires careful consideration of the purpose and extent
                     of the map.
                        To begin with, it is important to lock the movement limit for the map, making it
                     easier to decide what data and information to include in the map frame and how to
                     display  them.  The  next  step  is  to  select  a  suitable  Coordinate  System,  which  will
                     greatly affect the appearance of your layers and the accuracy when rendering external
                     and internal data. After choosing the coordinate system, it is important to determine
                     the scale of the map that will be easily accessible to the user, depending on the size of
                     the map area and the level of detail required. In order to make it easy for the user to
                     recall  and  distinguish  between  different  types  of  geographical  features  such  as
                     building areas or separate internal rooms, markers, points, layers, and colors should
                     be defined after that . And then adding stickers and captions will be a crucial part of
                     helping users understand what they are viewing.
                       Implementing a 2D map involves several key steps. Apparently, it is necessary to
                     choose a suitable programming language and framework with user-friendly functions
                     for  transforming,  rendering,  and  displaying  Geographic  Information  System  (GIS)
                     data. This choice can  greatly  impact  the ease and  efficiency  of  the implementation

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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