Page 241 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 241

Nguyen Van Thanh Vinh, Nguyen Dang Nha, Le Kim Hoang Trung and Nguyen Thanh Tuan   225

                     applications of each solution, WPS, VSP and  BLE beacons are popular choices for
                     indoor positioning, they can provide accurate location information in a building.

                                                 Fig. 2. Indoor location system

                     3.4   Architecture of InMaps framework

                     The  software  architecture  is  composed  of  three  layers  -  the  Application  Layer,
                     Middleware  Layer,  and  Connected  Devices  Layer.  Each  layer  has  its  own  set  of
                     modules that work together to generate and display the indoor map. (Fig. 3).

                                            Fig 3. InMaps framework architecture

                     ISBN: 978-604-80-8083-9                                                  CITA 2023
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