Page 240 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học lần thứ 12 - Công nghệ thông tin và Ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực (CITA 2023)
P. 240


                       Apart  from  that,  creating  or  obtaining  data  that  can  represent  geographic
                     functionality, attributes, and geometric data for a full range of structures, such as data
                     types, coordinates of objects, and properties. This data is crucial for the accurate and
                     effective display of the map.
                       Next, it is important to decide on the type of TileMap to use. There are two types
                     of  TileMap,  which  are  raster  and  vector  tile,  and  both  play  different  roles.  The
                     TileMap is a grid used to create a complete map of itself consisting of tilesets, which
                     are small pieces that make up a large TileMap. This step is important to ensure that
                     the map is created efficiently and accurately.
                       Ultimately, the map is displayed using the pre-selected programming language and
                     framework to add features like markers, pop-ups, and overlays. This step is crucial for
                     making the map interactive and engaging for users. Overall, the implementation of a
                     2D map requires careful planning and attention to detail to create a map that is accu-
                     rate, efficient, and visually appealing.
                       Furthermore, implementing a 3D map is quite similar to 2D map in the first few
                     steps but in addition it needs more completion because of its complexity in 3D space
                     displayed  on  the  map.  Initially,  selecting  a  suitable  rendering  engine  that  can
                     effectively render 3D rendering data on the map. This choice can greatly impact the
                     performance and quality of the map.
                       Next  step  is  adding  textures  to  3D  models  that  can  make  them  more  visually
                     appealing  and  help  users  better  understand  the  information  and  characteristics
                     represented in the map. Textures can be applied to various features in the map such as
                     buildings, roads, and natural landscapes.
                       To make the map more interactive, it is important to implement features that allow
                     users to explore the map in more detail. This can include interactive elements such as
                     zooming into 3D models to render an indoor map model, providing the user with a
                     more detailed view of the space. These interactive features can make the map more
                     engaging and useful for users.
                       Overall, implementing a 3D map requires careful attention to detail to ensure that
                     the  map  is  not  only  visually  appealing  but  also  interactive  and  informative.  By
                     selecting a suitable rendering engine, adding textures, and implementing interactive
                     features, a 3D map can be created that effectively communicates spatial information
                     to users.

                     3.3   Indoor location technology on InMaps Framework

                     In our solution, we considered several solutions to the positioning problems. Street
                     navigation  systems  that  depend  on  Global  Positioning  System  (GPS)  satellites  are
                                                                            positioning problem, GPS is

                       For building, We found a lot of useful methods that many researchers have come
                     up  with  before  such  as  Radio  Frequence  Identification  (RFID),  Wifi  -  Positioning
                     System  (WPS),  Bluetooth  Low  Enegy  (BLE)  Beacons,  Visual  Positioning  System

                     method  has  its  own  strengths  and  weaknesses.  After  considering  the  specific

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